Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

Bible Reading Plan

Want to join us this year on a new Bible reading plan?  Too often a reading plan can fall into the daily routine of checking the box of the chapters read.  For others, a few missed days soon puts you behind and soon the plan is dropped altogether.  

Our plan is not simply to read through the Bible in a year.  In fact, following this plan will take you two and a half years to cover the entire Scriptures.  However, the goal is not to get through the Bible, but to saturate our heart and mind with the truths of Jesus – getting the truths revealed to reside in us.  We want the Bible to get into us – and through us to others in word and deed.  Growing in the grace and knowledge and love of God is our goal. As we are saturated in the Scriptures, we will also get to know the heart and mind of God.  The better we know His Word, the more we can discern the voice of God and be able to know His will.  We want to read the Bible relationally with a passion to know Him.  Respond and commune with God as you read.  He speaks to you and you respond in worship to Him.

Reading in community is also a huge benefit in this, because others, through the Spirit, help us to know, understand, and love the God revealed to us in the Person of Jesus in these pages.

Reading the same Bible passage as others will promote many conversations about the things that God is revealing to us through His Word – thus spurring one another on to love and good works.  The Bible is to be learned in community so we can help one another understand the more difficult portions and apply the truths we learn, with all of us “feeding in the same portion of the green pasture at the same time. 

The idea of this format is to have us read through and immerse ourselves in one book or sometimes a few shorter books each month.  We can read, re-read, listen, study, memorize, prayerfully meditate in and study that Scripture to become saturated with its truth.   Lord willing, you may end up reading that book or books multiple times during the month.

There is no set amount to be read each day.  Some days you may read more and at other times less.   This takes into consideration your season of life, spiritual fitness/maturity, availability etc.  You may at some point in the month read the whole book in one sitting.  At other times you may only meditate on a few verses.  There are no “make up” days to catch up on your reading.  The desire is simply to set aside time to meditate long and deep on what God is saying in Jesus in the Scriptures that we might see more of him, and commune with him, and be transformed because of it.

Our first book is Matthew.  Some may just get through it once in January.  Another may read it through many times during the month.  You may also take a section from the Gospel account to memorize, or study in more detail.  When we get to the fourth month in the schedule, there are two books – Leviticus and Hebrews.  Some may choose to read Leviticus once and Hebrews four or five times; or you may read them evenly.  There is flexibility, but your focus that month would be those two books.  I hope you get the idea.

Again, the goal is not to “get through the book,” – read and forgotten – but to be understood and applied – to behold Jesus that our love for and trust in him would grow. “  

My  prayer is that this time in the Scriptures this coming year, would be the very means through which the Father gives us greater illumination and revelation into His Son. We ought to ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the height, depth, width, length, and breadth of this JESUS and his amazing grace and love. May God deliver us from our own idea, concept, perception, and illusion of a small Christ and give us revelation into the preeminence of His Son.” 

The Plan:

Download the Plan

For those who want to read through the entire Bible in a single year, we suggest the Read Scripture App which you can access here: https://www.readscripture.org It includes some great teaching videos to help you grasp the big picture of each book.

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