This Week in Grace – Aug. 13-19, 2012
This Week in Grace …
The First Word
7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear:
10 If anyone is to be taken captive,
to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword,
with the sword must he be slain.
Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. (Revelation 13:7-10 ESV)) Once again the book of Revelation lifts the veil to help us see that we are in a spiritual war. We have an enemy, but even greater we have a King who has conquered and it is Jesus who loves us and has given us a mission. One either worships the beast or worships the Lamb. If you worship the Lamb you will face the wrath of the beast. If you worship the beast you will face the wrath of the Lamb. Press on dear saints, our trials are temporary and they serve the glorious purposes of our King who has marked us with His name. We have been redeemed and belong to Him. Our inheritance is one of everlasting rest, and peace and joy in the Lord. Every trial now is an opportunity to bring glory to Jesus!
Upcoming Events
- Lighthouse Bible study this Tuesday, Aug. 14. Information can be found HERE.
• Picnic at Lake Blackstrap on Sunday, August 19. Following our time at the Galaxy we are looking at spending the afternoon at Blackstrap for a picnic/barbeque, weather permitting. Enjoy swimming, boating (Lord willing), games, activities, visiting etc. – whatever you would like to plan. If you have not yet been baptized since you have believed, why not talk to Murray and we can make that happen as well.
• Concert of Prayer on Sunday, September 16th. Exact time and location are TBA. Tentatively, we are looking at 5:30 pm. to 6:45 pm. at a location that has a gym or room where kids can play. This is a call for the entire church family to come together for prayer and fasting as we look in humble dependance to our God to glorify Himself in and through us in the months ahead.
• U of S Outreach on Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 9:30 am. to 12:30 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help us set up and man the table that we have booked for the university orientation for first year students. This is a great opportunity to meet and connect with students, many of whom will be new to Saskatoon. We hope to bring awareness of Grace Fellowship and our Jesus-exalting, Gospel-centred vision. If you are interested in participating please talk to Sammy or Murray.
- Grace Kids: We are looking for 5 more volunteers to serve (once every 5 weeks) in our Kid’s ministry. We are hoping to begin the “Gospel Project” – a Gospel-centered children’s program in the fall. We will continue to have our nursery in the Party Rooms in the Galaxy, but will be running the Gospel Project in one of the theatres for the older children – from around ages 3-8. Thus, we need a minimum of 4 workers each week.
• Greeters: We are also looking for people willing to serve as greeters to welcome people as they enter the theatre.
- Have you considered getting Gospel-centered Bible training at Porterbrook Saskatoon? Porterbrook is Grace Fellowship’s missional and theological training centre. Furthermore Porterbrook is for everyone! Plan on being part in 2012-2013! For more information and to apply check out Porterbrook Saskatoon
- Welcome table and book table: This past Sunday, you may have noticed that I set up a welcome table outside the theatre entrance. We will have church brochures, Gospel Community Group booklets and info, partnership info, etc at this table. I thought it would be easier for new-comers to be directed to a table for information about Grace.
- We will also have a few Gospel-centered books for people to sign out on loan – a mobile library. Why buy when you can borrow? If you are interested in helping out at the welcome table, please let Murray know.
- Have you been connecting with us, and believe God is calling you to be a part of Grace Fellowship. Consider making it “official” and partnering with us. You can find out more about partnering with us HERE.
- This Sunday, Murray McLellan will be preaching on “the Grapes of Wrath.” I would encourage you to read through Revelation chapter 14-15 in preparation for our study.
Gospel Community Group Life
This week’s message, The Mystery of the Beasts, from Revelation 13 is online. You can get the community group discussion questions in pdf there as well.
Not in a Community Group? We have groups that meet in various places in the city. To get plugged-in connect with us here.
The City Helps
(If you’re not on The City yet click here to get an invitation. You must enter “kiosk” as the user name and “jesussaves” as the password)
From the Blog
Social Stuff
The Last Word
“Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.”
(Revelation 14:1 ESV)