Memory Verse: Week of April 30th

Week of April 30th
Matthew 9:36
[36] When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36 ESV)
[Context: Jesus shows us the compassion of our God towards us. Though we have rebelled, though we are suffering, harassed and helpless, of our own making, he moves toward us. Whether it is one oppressed by demons, or one sick, or an outcast, despite how we have treated Jesus, He has compassion for us. He wants our best – our joy. We need a shepherd – not just to direct us in the way we should go, but One who would lay down his life for the sheep. One who would love to that extent, and never stop loving us. I love the scene shown to us in Luke 4:31-44, where we witness the Lord’s compassion. Not only to deliver and heal, but in the way he personally relates to each person in love. He is a shepherd worth following now and forever! ]
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