Memory Verse: Week of March 19th

Romans 2:4
[4] Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4 ESV)
Context: God continually gives common grace to all. In fact, God is patient and kind and gracious so often that we can start to presume that is what we deserve – that God owes us. Nothing can be further from the truth. All that kindness is meant to lead us to repentance – that we would change our minds and hearts about ourselves and about God. We are designed to be in a submissive, dependent relationship with God. Yet, when Jesus freely offers salvation and restoration to this right relationship if we repent and surrender to him as Lord, many harden their hearts to his offer of grace. To face God’s righteous judgment, you actually have to work hard to resist and oppose his grace and mercy and kindness given in Jesus. Repentance is such a sweet command. This is not a call to strive or improve ourselves or do some great exploit – just stop resisting and surrender to him – falling into his nailed scarred hands. This takes no effort at all and can happen in a moment – complete forgiveness as we repent, treasuring the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience – letting his kindness lead us to repentance!
In Luke 3 we have seen how John the Baptizer’s warning and call to repentance is a mercy and great kindness. Let us not harden our hearts to the God of all grace, as did those of old in the day of rebellion. May our pride not keep us from the joy found in triune God and Jesus’ blood-bought forgiveness.
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