Good News Story Seminar: Mission

For this seminar we are hoping to gather over the course of two dates. April 4-5, 2024. We are going to cap each of the dates, so if you want to come, sign up soon.
At the heart of each of our Grace seminars is understanding the Scriptures in light of the fullness of Jesus Christ (our Treasure and Passion!) and His everlasting and unshakable kingdom. These seminars are designed to show that every topic rightly viewed is tied directly to the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in which we boast – a gospel which from the cross of Christ blazes forth the glory of God in blinding brightness for those who have been given sight. This next Seminar brings us fully into the present – where we are today – on Mission with Jesus.
God first restores us to friendship with Himself, then He commissions us as a new Kingdom humanity—the Church—to share the good news of Jesus with others. He has poured out His Spirit to empower and to gift, sending us into the world to use those gifts purposefully to serve others. The Church bears the restored image of God, in a committed covenant community of love sent into the world on His mission. The Church has the joy of partnering with Jesus in His mission in the world—seeking and saving the lost. This partnership is not us doing things for Jesus, but rather Jesus continuing to do His work through us, by His Spirit (i.e. Acts 1:1, 8). As the Church, the one thing we are called to do is make disciples of Jesus who then make disciples of Jesus. This results in seeing new churches established to display the image of God as a covenant community devoted to God and one another. This is our partnership calling, with God and with one another, until Jesus returns.
If you are on Our Hub, you can register for Thursday here or Friday here.
Otherwise you can register here: