Grace Fellowship is a Family of Churches: (Saskatoon | Warman | Edmonton)

Acts 29 Retreat

For those of you who wonder, “What goes on at that Acts 29 Retreat that Murray and Cheryl go to each year?”  Here is a video clip of this year’s retreat in Newport Beach, California.   If you recognize my shirt, you can see me, with Cheryl leaning on my back, as we pray for a fellow planter and brother needing encouragement in the battle at the 1:40 mark!

I love this network of brothers who ever remind me that it is not about me.  It is all about Jesus – this amazing Savior and so needed Lord.   Every year we are reminded of our  gospel identity found in Jesus.  Knowing your identity in Christ has breathtaking implications for how we live. It is tempting to doubt God’s love for us when we face difficult times or struggle with ongoing sin; however, knowing our gospel identity should provide assurance that any punishment that our sins deserve has already been laid upon Jesus at the cross. What a wonderfully freeing truth to live by! Our gospel identity should continually strengthen our hearts knowing that in Christ we are forgiven, accepted and loved.

Get a taste of the retreat through this clip…

[vimeo video_id=”46302177″ width=”400″ height=”300″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”Yes” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]

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